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Favorite Sayings and Quotes

Instagram - Are you Saying You Want something but Giving off the Energy "Why has
Circumstance Only Happens Once.jpg
Instagram - But is this Really Something to Fear? Universal Law teaches Us that
Instagram - I Am The One.. You Are The One.. We Are The Ones Who can Transform O
Instagram - Go For It, Ask Questions and Take Action!! Here's to Having A Great
Instagram - You Are Created in the Image and Likeness of GOD..jpg
Instagram - We've Heard it a Million times Before..jpg
Support and coming off as Judgmental..jpg
Instagram - "Bruce, I can't  go 5. He said, "When we get to 3, we'll shift gears
Instagram - My Guys Lost a Tough one Last Nite 71-70 In the League Championship
Instagram - Observe the Relationships Around You. Pay Attention to Which Ones Li
Instagram - You Are Important and You Matter. Your Feelings Matter. Your Voice M
Instagram - Life Cycle.. Birth-Live-Die-Rebirth!! Yesterday is No more..jpg
Instagram - The Only Limitations in Life are the Ones We Set for Ourselves.. It
Instagram - I've Learned from Experience the Effect you Have on Others is The Mo
Instagram - Sometimes you Just have to Be Honest with Yourself and Others..jpg
Instagram - How Are You Using your GOD given Gifts??..jpg
Instagram - I've said it once and I will keep Saying it!! Lol😃 Nothing is More
Instagram - God created the human me and integrated within me the divine power o
Instagram - A Process I use is the By-Product Method.jpg
Instagram - Happy Friday!! When you get a Sec, take a Read..jpg
Instagram - I learned a Very Valuable Lesson Yesterday..jpg
Instagram - Great Job Shout Out, to My Guys on the Windward Basketball Team. Dow
Instagram - Fear In Disguise: to Hide or Obscure the Real Nature Of..jpg
Instagram - I Only Want to Connect With Positivity. You Have my Full Attention.
Instagram - We Fail to Realize that Mastery is Not about Perfection. Its about a
Instagram - Ever Wonder Why Someone who is Extremely Talented isn't Able to Sust
Instagram - We All Have Suffered our Share of Lost, Crisis, Trauma..jpg
Instagram - But if You Are Willing to Make Changes The Next 5 yrs of your Life c
Instagram - Do Not Fear Lofty Goals..jpg
Instagram - This is A STRESS FREE ZONE!! For those of you Looking for A Mature P
Instagram - I Learned something Very Powerful talking to Dr. Carolyne Fuqua abou
Instagram - Universal Law: The Law of Cause and Effect or Consequence. Nothing h
Instagram - I'm Just Saying!! Clap it Up!! 🙌👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
Instagram - "Inside of Every Creation is the Creator".jpg.jpg Give GOD the Glory
Instagram - I Encourage you to Become A Disciple of YOURSELF! Develop the Self D
Instagram - AT FAILURE!! Your Muscles, Your Mind, Your Spirit won't Grow contunu
Instagram - If You didn't  Know it by Now.. It comes down to YOU vs. YOU..jpg
Instagram - FREE: Your Mind, Your Body, Your Spirit, Your Family, Your Friends..
Instagram - Doing your best you're going to Live your Life INTENSELY.jpg
Instagram - Personal Importance, or Taking things Personally, is the Maximum exp
Instagram - And GOD said "Let there be Light".. Our Words are our Ability to Cre
Instagram - Assumption: The act of taking possession or making a claim.jpg
Instagram - My Contribution I Hope is to get People to Remember Who they Are! An
Instagram - #TBT #MartinLutherKing #HappyBirthdayMLK #Service
Instagram - There Comes A Time When the World Gets Quiet and The Only thing left
Instagram - I was Having a Conversation today about Age and When something shoul
Instagram - In a Time of Universal Deception, Even Telling the Truth is A Revolu
Instagram - "We Gotta Make A Change, Its time for Us As A People to Start Making
Instagram - I Always Wondered Why Somebody didn't do Something about that.jpg
Instagram - Light Bulb Moment!! The things you want to accomplish, what do you a
Instagram - To All My Young Bucks Out there Who think Wearing your Pants off You
Instagram - I'm All for going Balls out at All times.. But We All need to Listen
Instagram - WHATEVER THE HECK YOU SAY IT IS!! Life is Without Meaning until we P
Instagram - Always make a Point to Reflect.. Steve Jobs says You Can Only Connec
Instagram - Are your Words And Actions in Alignment?? Nothing More Irritating th
Instagram - Whether you Believe it or Not, You Create Your Reality. Your Choices
Instagram - My Motivation today Is Stuart Scott.jpg He died of Cancer Today at 4
Instagram - We are All our Own Unique Selves. Does you No Good to Compare yourse
Instagram - My Motto in 2015 will be "OLLIN"(All In) an Aztec Word Meaning to Mo
Instagram - Friendly Reminder to those that Are Interested.. We Are Starting TOD
Instagram - Your Answer will Determine So much for you! Most of Us just try to G
Instagram - EXCUSES are the Words we use to Fill the Gap between Wanting somethi
Instagram - Funny How Life Makes Sense Once you Can Accept that EVERYTHING HAPPE
Instagram - There is So Much Power In Making A Choice! Just Decide, This is What
Instagram - In your Pursuit of Your Dreams, Your Goals, Your Desires.. Does it i
Instagram - What are you willing to Die of to Become?? What behaviors do you nee
Instagram - It would Be Great if the People in Our Lives told us these things on
Instagram - The CHANCE to Be Better, Different, Daring is Available to All of Us
Instagram - They say in Life you Will meet 2 types of People: Those that BUILD Y
Instagram - Its Funny when People say, I've known you for 20yrs.jpg
Instagram - Dwelling in the Past serves No Purpose other than to keep you Stuck
Instagram - We can't Solve a Problem with The Same Thinking that Created it!! IN
Instagram - Your Complaints, Your Drama, Your Victim Mentality, Your Whining, Yo
Instagram - Sometimes we have to UnLearn to Remember..jpg
 SILIRE- To Leap. TO LEAP BACK UP After Getting Knocked Down.jpg
Instagram - WORDS are the Currency in our Human Exchanges.jpg
Instagram - Pass Judgment: To Form A Critical Opinion of.jpg
Instagram - I Will Keep Saying it till I'm BLUE in the Face.. Fighting Against O
Instagram - Could you Be the Most Beautiful Girl in the World?? Its Plain to See
Instagram - #Food4Thought .. Might be time to do something Different.. Pick up a
Instagram - EMPATHY: the Capacity or Ability to Mutually Experience the Thoughts
Instagram - PRESSURE Busts Pipes but PRESSURE Also Produces Diamonds.. You Never
Instagram - A LEADER is a Pathfinder. Able to Make A way for Others to Follow..j
Instagram - One of the Most Gangsta Comments in History!! Now do you See why I s
Instagram - When we Turn our "Shoulds" into "Must" is When we See Major Expansio
Instagram - Great Analogy for the Mess we are in Today!! Suddenly we are Noticin
Instagram - A DREAM: Successions of Images, Ideas, Emotions and Sensations that
Instagram - When Will we Stop asking the Oppressor to Find Value in Our Lives, W
Instagram - No Longer Be a People Pleaser! Point being, Not Everyone is Going to
Instagram - EVERY Moment of EveryDay We have the Opportunity to RISE Above it or
Instagram - What are We saying we Want but at the same time Resisting against? R
Instagram - Feeling Down is Okay.. It's an Opportunity to Reassess. Also to Clea
Instagram - It Really is that Simple.. Get busy Living or Get Busy Dying. Gettin
Instagram - I think that says it All..jpg
Instagram - BECOME: To Begin to Be.. INSANITY: Doing the Same thing over and ove
Instagram - Not Preparing to Succeed is Preparing to Fail. Learn to Connect the
Instagram - STORMS: Come in many Forms. Emotional, Financial, Relationships.. To
Instagram - UNTIL: Up to the Time or when..jpg
Instagram - Everyone Receives A Harvest based on the Seeds We have Planted.jpg
Instagram - Happy Monday! Let's Set the Week Off Right.. A Few Simple Thoughts t
Instagram - Any Questions?? Happy Sunday!!
You+Me=WE, It = US!
Instagram - PERSEVERANCE : Steadfastness in doing something despite difficulty o
Instagram - OPINION: A Personal View, Attitude, Or Appraisal.jpg
Instagram - When Inspiring, Instead of Saying "You Can Do It" try LET'S  DO IT!
Instagram - I use to Think this was True for Both Men  and Women..jpg
Instagram - Food For Thought. Happy Sunday!! My Hope isn't to Teach Anybody anyt
Instagram - "IMPOSSIBLE Is Not A Fact. It is An Opinion.jpg is Not a Declaration
Instagram - It's Okay for anyone to Be Where They are.jpg
Instagram - Crazy How this Happens.jpg
Instagram - When you Know Better, You can do Better! #SupportEachOther #MarkGoul
Instagram - If the Only Prayer you ever Say in Your Entire Life is THANK YOU, it
Instagram - People Often Say MOTIVATION doesn't Last, Neither Does BATHING but i
Instagram - CRITICISM: The Expression of disapproval of someone or something bas
Instagram - Be the BRIDGE that brings Darkness to Light, brings a Skeptic to Fai
Instagram - Time is Our Most Valuable Assest. It is Okay to Place A Value on you
Instagram - Do Not SETTLE for Less than Exactly what you Want.jpg Your Hearts de
Instagram - Ha, Ain't that the Truth!!
Instagram - SPECIAL- Better, Greater or Otherwise Different from What is Usual..
Instagram - Knowledge is Power but INACTION is the Death of Dreams! Inaction: la
Instagram - What you Don't Know, That you Don't Know is where our True Potential
Instagram - When you Feel Like Quitting, Think About WHY YOU STARTED!! What's yo
Instagram - I would tell Little Me.. "LIFE ISN'T PRACTICE!" 1.jpg
Instagram - We Are ALL Being Called to Be More, To Do More.. Some to a New Job,
Instagram - Leave Situations, Places and Most Importantly People Better than Whe
Instagram - They Say the Average Woman would Rather have Beauty than Brains, Bec
Learning?? Too Many of Us are Like Travel Agents sending people to pl
Instagram - Pardon My Language, But just Keep, "Throwing Shit at the Wall Until
Instagram - This Was Me..jpg
Instagram - A Lot of Us are in Relationships,Jobs and Friendships that We Have O
Instagram - It Takes being Told 17 "You Can's" to Reverse 1 "You Can't".jpg
Instagram - The 1st Step before Anyone else Believes is You Have to Believe!! I
Instagram - Why do we stay in Environments that aren't Conducive to Our Growth a
Instagram - JUST DECIDE! Make A Decision! Greatness is A Choice! There is Sooo m
Something Elicited by Their Abilities, Qualities or Achievements.jpg
Instagram - 1. What you Admire in others, you Recognize as Existing within yours
We must be Willing to Let Go of the Life W
Instagram - ACCEPTANCE - In Human Psychology A person's assent to the reality of
Instagram - Definitely A Muscle that needs to Continually be Developed..jpg
Instagram - The Law of Fellowship: You are your 5 closest Friends..jpg
Instagram - Service and Compassion..jpg
Instagram - ELATION: Great Happiness and Exhilaration!! The Feeling I Have while
Instagram - The Law of Divine Oneness: I wish more of us Embraced this, We are a
Instagram - DOGMA - A Belief or Set of Beliefs that is Accepted by the Members o
Instagram - The Law of Correspondence: Tells us Our Outer World is Nothing More
Instagram - The Law of Attraction: Like Attracts Like, You Get what you think ab
Instagram - The Law of Vibration: Everything is Energy and Energy never
Instagram - FEAR: "F-orget E-verything A-nd R-un" or "F-ace E-verything A-nd R-i
Instagram - What are you Waiting For?? "You are your Only Obstacle" "I look in t
Instagram - MANIFESTING MONDAYS!! - Learn from Yesterday but don't be Stuck in i
Instagram - The Law of Rhtym - Everything has Purpose.. We need Positive and Neg
Instagram - The Law of Polarity: There are 2 sides to Everything. LOVE and HATE,
Instagram - THE LAW OF ACTION: Simply stated, "Faith without Works is Dead!" Wha
Instagram - Reflection: Serious Thought or Consideration. It is by Reflection th
Instagram - The Law of Relativity.jpg
Instagram - Now Go Get Some Because it's FUN!! Money is Energy, that's why it's
Instagram - Hmmm. Very Interesting.. I'm finding Myself agreeing..jpg
Instagram - AMBITION - A strong Desire to do or Achieve something, Typically req
Instagram - Universal Law #4 - The Law of Perpetual Transmutation.jpg
Instagram - Very Simple. We are not reinventing the wheel. SUCCESS leaves CLUES!
Instagram - Lol..Stop Blaming others and situations for your Condition.jpg
Instagram - I am convinced she is out there somewhere! Until then I will keep pr
Instagram - Every Idea has a Development Period. We don't Expect a Baby to come
Instagram - Any Questions??..jpg
Instagram - Been Enamored with the idea of Being Alone vs. Being Lonely.. They s
Instagram - I'd rather live a Life of "I Failed" than a Life of "What Ifs".jpg
Instagram - Good Morning! WAKE UP!! I did a calculation and have selpt almost 12
Instagram - This Pretty Much Sums Me Up!!
Instagram - Do Me a Favor, Don't Come around me Unless you are Ready to Be STRET
Instagram - POTENTIAL- Having or Showing the Capacity to Become or Develop into
Instagram - INTEGRITY- is a concept of Consistency of Actions, Values, Methods,

© 2023 by Success Consulting. Proudly by Brooklyn Mclinn

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